Engagment Pi

Engagment Pi

Saturday, January 22, 2011


So yesterday Drew and his dad went to the house and were checking everything out now that we have utilities. When I got off work I immediately went over to meet them there!!! I'm so excited. They were there since 2 o'clock and I arrived just before six and we left at just after seven. Right now I have been stressing over paint colours ( yes I spelt it the Canadian way... the right way!!!) Any who... this is when I wish I had my family around to help with the colours I'm looking at. It's hard when everyone has their own style and my style is different people who I have asked here so... yes it would come in handy if Jean or the sisters were here. I AM SOOOO EXCITED!! Our house is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! Ok so I already said that but I'm just very excited we got it at such a good price! I have not doubt that when 10 or 15 years to come we will DEFINITELY have some SERIOUS equity in it! CROSS MY FINGERS!!! You call tell it's a nice home and although the last owners didn't take care of it how you would think most people would... with some good cleaning and a little at a time changes it will be fit for a magazine. It's sad that I have student loans. I know everyone does... but we have started paying them off early now since we don't owe yet so we can take advantage of that and they will be paid off sooner. Whenever I get a little stressed about how much were paying a month and how much longer it will take for me to make this house OUR house I try to remember that in 2 or 3 years I will be able to start bigger projects for the house. Oh well it will be slow progress but the loans needs to be paid and since were paying them in LARGE sums then it will be better and quicker in the long run.

So I don't really have just one style. It wasn't till the other day when Rebecca ( my sis in law who's beautiful AND SINGLE!!!) said she always doubts herself about putting a room together because she doesn't know how it will turn out in the end. I WAS SOOOOO CONFIDENT.... until she said that hahah. So now I'm a little worried about how I can pull off an amazing house without it looking stupid, average or seen it before. My style is ALL over the place. I would describe it as French, Victorian, Shabby Chic, Tuscan, Modern, Vintage and new all in one. HAHAh SOoooooo it will be interesting to say the least. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and think people will think that how I decorate is how I would decorate if we had A LOT OF BLING BLANG!!! .. which if we did I would have a nicer house then ALL THE CELEBRITIES.... so I guess I need to stop being retarded ... which I am being and focus on bargain hunting and patience. One of my biggest problems is living up to my OWN expectations as well as REALLY impressing others. I don't know if I'm the only one that has that worry and call me materialistic... (CUZ I AMMMMM) but I think people should take pride in their home!! WHY NOT? ITS AN INVESTMENT!! My goal has always been to get as much money as possible when selling a house. I know that thats EVERYONES GOAL but not everyone takes care of their house. I remember cleaning in Calgary and I would go into these BEAUTIFUL EXPENSIVE houses and being sick over how they were treated. It's goes by the saying NEVER judge a book by its cover. I couldn't understand why people let their houses get sooooooo dirty! That, and they would be SO outdated and poorly taken care of. Like I said... A house is an INVESTMENT.... and I want to take pride in my house and hope to have a BEAUTIFUL house for myself, my family, and FOR THE FUTURE MONEY!!! I live for money. I WILL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH.... I think if i were a celebrity I would NEVER retire. I understand now why some mothers choose to work full time for the money. I'm clearly going to be a stay at home (if able) But I will NEVER STOP making money and contributing.... I will sell hand made SOCKS if I have to. MONEY IS EVERYTHING.... ok maybe not but it sure does make the world go round, and it would be nice not to have to worry about it. Ok I just want to strive to be comfortable. I know I know.. as long as you have the necessities you are blessed but that doesn't mean I won't try my HARDEST to have more!!!

So back to my house... hahaha. I thought I would post and let you know some of the things that inspire me for decorating... like I said before... I'm ALL over the place. Since beginning blogging.... I have been introduce to a whole other life. IM OBSESSED!!!!! There are so many talented bloggers out there who inspire me to WANT MORE MONEY!!... OK its probably getting annoying but When I see what they have and what they make and their houses and stuff I am overwhelmed with all the beautiful things!! I could easily go without facebook... then blogging. And I don't need to blog or search my favorite bloggers everyday. I don't understand how people get obsessed with facebook or any other network of some sort. Yes I check my facebook every day. BUT there has been PLENTY of times I haven't and no big deal. I don't need to check it every half hour or update my status. I guess the MAJOR reason is because I have people on my list that are the attention seeking drama mammas that NEED attention.... and it might sound like I 100% hate it... BUT don't get me wrong... I FULLY enjoy laughing and being entertained by people who seem to live their life and update it on their facebook. Same with their blogs. I KNOW... didn't you just say you love it Courtney? I DO!! But I believe there is such thing as a journal... and a PERSONAL journal. Some people give WAYYYYYYYYYYYY to much info. I like being able to keep up with friends and see what they are doing in their lives but there comes to a point where it gets a wee bit sad when you read things that make you think W T F? (said by letters) hahah. BUt I WILL SHUT UP because at the same time it makes me laugh and can be VERY entertaining. So I guess Im a hypocrite. I would rather it be on the subject of facebook and blogging then on other subjects! Ok so I went on longer then needed but it is just something I have never understood.

OK OK OK... here are some inspirations I LOVE... and then... for the reason why you are reading my blog... if for REAL PICTURES OF THE HOUSE!!!! INSIDE!!!!

Ok.... NOW FOR THE REAL PICS!!!!... So clearly we are going to repaint and put new carpet in and redo the hardwood and cabinets and everything else... its just going to be a LONG time in progress .... anyone wanna donate to the Ennis house fund? Nope?... didn't think so. But I will always hope to one day be the winner of Publishers Clearing House!!!! I want to hear a knock on the door and answer it in my towel to find that I'm the newest winner of 1 million dollars and be so excited I scream and almost lose my towel. And when they ask me what I plan to do with the money my first thing I say is.... IM GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! ... hahah the rest of the money would go in savings!!!!!


  1. Yea!! So happy to read this good news!! Congratulations to you and Drew!!


